Weekly Teachers

TSV Teachers

Check out the upcoming classes at TSV and the wonderful humans teaching them.

Check out our Instagram for more photos & videos of upcoming teachers!

Want to teach for TSV?

We are always looking out for emerging, mid-career and established artists who wants to share their knowledge!
Fill out this teacher application with your availability, CV, and class description.
New and experienced teachers welcome.

TSV has a wide roster of teachers from Vancouver’s dance community as well as national and international visiting dance artists.

TSV welcomes inquiries from experienced teachers interested in teaching professional-level classes. Our programming is generally booked several months in advance, so we encourage prospective teachers to get in touch with us well before the dates they’re interested in teaching.


Past Teachers

605 Collective

Amanda Acorn (Toronto)

Joseph Aka (France)

Linda Arkelian

Peggy Baker (Toronto)

Gioconda Barbuto (Montreal)

Lara Barclay

Karissa Barry

Lucia Baumgartner

Josh Beamish

Eric Beauchesne (Netherlands)

Sidra Bell (NYC)

Serge Bennathan

Yossi Berg & Oded Graf (Israel)

Shivani Bhagwan & Chaya Kumar (California)

Jens Bjerregaard (Denmark)

Marc Boivin (Montreal)

Charlotte Boye-Christensen

Naomi Brand

Delia Brett

Cristina Bucci

Marie Canal

Julia Carr

Martha Carter

Andrea Catania

Justine A. Chambers

Julie Chapple

Marie-Josée Chartier (Montreal/Toronto)

Tara Cheyenne-Friedenberg

Chutzpah! Festival guest artists

Idan Cohen

Alvin Collantes (Toronto)

Anne Cooper

Kim Cooper

Rhonda Cooper

Ales Cucek (Germany)


Olivia C. Davies

Mélanie Demers (Montreal)

Alison Denham

Dario Dinuzzi

Ruth Douthright (London, Ontario)

Katie Duck (Netherlands)

Desirée Dunbar

Shauna Elton

Ralph Escamillan

Karen Fennell (Montreal)

Kate Franklin

Emmalena Frederiksson

Claire French

Francesca Frewer

Anouk Froidevaux (Berlin)

Amber Funk-Barton

Noam Gagnon

Dana Gingras (Montreal)

James Gnam

Vanessa Goodman

Frédérick Gravel (Montreal)

Heather Laura Gray

Jack Gray (New Zealand)

Christopher House (Toronto)

Martin Inthamoussu (Uruguay)

German Jauregui (Belgium)

Gilles Jobin (Geneva)

Farley Johansson

Meredith Kalaman

Graham Kaplan

Minna Karttunen (Finland)

Kelly Keenan (Montreal)

CAMP Collective

Jenna Berlyn

Edmond Kilpatrick

Liz Kinoshita (Belgium)

Isabelle Kirouac

Rob Kitsos

Sasha Kleinplatz

Milla Koistinen (Germany)

Alanna Kraaijeveld (Montreal)

Shay Kuebler

Ziyian Kwan

Benoit Lachambre (Montreal)

Sylvain Lafortune (Montreal)

Julie Lebel

Lee Su-Feh

Natalie LeFebvre-Gnam

Nicholas Leichter (NYC)

Jo Leslie

Antonija Livingstone (Berlin)

los little guys (USA)

Gail Lotenberg

Vincent Mantsoe

Alexa Mardon

Nina Martin (USA)

Jennifer Mascall

Matriarchs Uprising Festival guest artists

Takako Matsuda (Japan)

Jennifer McLeish-Lewis

Erika Mitsuhashi

Davida Monk (Calgary)

Shannon Moreno

MOVE: the company

Starr Muranko

Heather Myers

Andrea Nann (Toronto)

Eroca Nichols (Toronto)

David Norsworthy

Michelle Olson

Claire O’Neil (New Zealand)

Jane Osborne

Meagan O’Shea (Toronto)


Thea Patterson (Montreal)

Deanna Peters

Louise Potiki Bryant

Jacques Poulin-Denis (Montreal)

Cheryl Prophet

Mariaa Randall (NSW, Australia)

Dana Reiz (USA)

Kathryn Ricketts

Tedd Robinson (Quebec)

Francesco Scavetta (Norway)

Olivia Shaffer

Santee Smith

Brian Solomon

Antonio Somera Jr

Kim Stevenson

Rianne Svelnis

Paras Terezakis

Daisy Thompson

Steven Thompson (France)

Alvin Tolentino

Lexi Vajda

James Viveiros (Montreal)

Megan Walker-Straight

Helen Walkley

Michael Watts (Montreal)

Chengxin Wei

Tom Weinberger

Nina Wollny (The Netherlands)

Carolyn Woods

Jamie Wright (Montreal)

Rosslyn Wythes (Belgium)

Hyoseung Ye (South Korea)